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ABC MADRID 10-09-1972 página 32
ABC MADRID 10-09-1972 página 32
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ABC MADRID 10-09-1972 página 32

  • EdiciónABC, MADRID
  • Página32
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O. DOMINGO 10 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1972. EDICIÓN DE LA MAÑANA. PAG y CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE TO EUROPE S ENTRY INTO MANNED SPACE FUGHT? AT ITS PROPOSED MEETING IN SEPTEMBER THE EUROPEAN SPACE CONFERENCE. IS EXPECTED TO DECIDE WHETHER EUROPE WILL PARTICÍPATE IN THE POST- APOLLO PROGRAMME, One possibility is that of developir. g the proposed sortie module. If the conference decides in favour of this project, there will be an urgent need to assembie ap expert team of engineers, mainly at the EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY (ESTEC) CENTRE at Noordwijk in The Netherlands, and a! so at the Paris Headquarters of the European Space Research Organisatipn (ESRO) Jn particular there would be a need f or: STRUCTURAL ENG 1 NEERS, experienced in design and tesíing oí iarge lightweight pressurised structures AVIONICS ENGINEERS. experienced in advanced áircraft electromcsp controls and tíisplays SAFETY EXPERTS with specific expenence of man- rated space hardware ENVIRONMENT CONTROL LIFE SUPPORT ENGINEERS with experience in either manned spacecraft design or other close- looped systems THERMAL CONTROL ENGINEERS with specific expenence in thermal control by fluid flow FUEL CELL DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERÍ? 6 OPERATIONS RESEARCH ENGINEERS, having experience inairline operations CONF 1 GURATION CONTROL ENGINEERS PROJECT CONTROLLERS with experience of large scale network planning and cosí control CONTRACT OFF 1 CERS witti experience of large technicai development contracts No formal offers can be made until the Conference s decisions are known, but appfícations will be processed to the short- list stage during the next f ew weeks. To nationals or former nationals of one of the ESRO member states who have a sound knowledge of English or French (a working knowledge of the other is an advantage) we can offer very interesting work in a stimulating environment Attractive salaries free of national income tax. International conditions of employment with interesting fringe benefits. To obtain an application form olease complete the coupon below IN CAPITALS and send it to HEAD OF PERSONNEL, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Belgíum, Denmark, France, West Germany, Great Britatn, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzeríand. ÑAME ADDRESS COUNTRY SPEC 1 ALISAT 1O N ce I 2 a publicación de este anuncio pov el Inst. Español de Emigración

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